Recognition of Innovation at the EcoConstruir 2024 Trade Fair

At ON-A, we celebrated our participation in the 2nd edition of EcoConstruir, organised by EcoHub in Cabrera de Mar on 31 May and 1 June. The fair brought together bioconstruction professionals and allowed us to discover the latest trends in innovation and sustainability. It was an ideal platform to spread our proposals and connect with people who share our values.

A Space for Innovation and Collaboration EcoConstruir has become a crucial meeting point in the Maresme, where professionals come together to exchange ideas, present their work and explore new possibilities. This year, the event stood out not only for its focus on cutting-edge technology, but also for its emphasis on talent, professional insertion and trades in construction. This concept seeks to integrate nature and technology to create more liveable and resilient spaces.
At ON-A, we had the opportunity to present our latest proposals for innovative solutions:
Biotech cities: A new approach to sustainable urban design, integrating nature and technology to create more liveable and resilient spaces.
Passivhaus and industrialised houses: Cutting-edge solutions for efficient and sustainable housing, minimising energy consumption and environmental impact.

Our Recognition of Innovation

We are especially honoured to have received the EcoConstruir 2024 Innovation Award, which is a reflection of our ongoing commitment to finding sustainable and creative solutions in the field of architecture. We also congratulate Mister Karton for receiving the award for the best stand design.

Networking and Business Opportunities
With 85 exhibitors and more than 1500 attendees, companies such as Verdtical, Carandini, Big4Life, Fliwer, Mòdul Habitat Mediterrani 2P, Equiclor, Noma Tiny House, Exe Arquitectura, ECO Arquitectura, Eco Cocon, Energies Alternatives, Fallprotec were present at this event.

The EcoConstruir Agora became an ideal space for debate and knowledge exchange on the most relevant topics in sustainable construction. Experts from various fields shared their experiences and perspectives on innovative materials, technological solutions for intelligent buildings and other key aspects of bioconstruction. Lectures were also offered on topics such as New career opportunities in the Construction Sector, Introduction to Structural Design with Wood, Construction, Sustainability and Health in the 21st Century, Industrialisation, Research on Green Facades and Green Roofs, The Challenges of Water and Energy Management, among others.
Our founding partner, Eduardo Gutiérrez Munné, participated in a panel discussion entitled “Biotech Cities and Societies” together with experts from the Bioo team and Guillem Lacoma Huerva from Circular Green. The latest technologies were discussed and we presented the success case of Biotech City, a self-sufficient city designed for extreme habitats.

Special thanks to the EcoHub organisers for their excellent work and dedication. Also to the exhibitors and speakers, to the visitors for their warm welcome and for making the event such a success.
We continue to work with enthusiasm to create spaces that are at the same time liveable, environmentally friendly, and prepared for the challenges of the future. We are committed to more connections, more innovation, and more sustainability.



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