

“Reality and Fiction” </br>at the ARTS LAB Conference

“Reality and Fiction”
at the ARTS LAB Conference

Jordi Fernández, Architect - Founding Partner of ON-A, talked about how the studio is committed to an architecture without limits achieved by self-research and technology, and about how the construction of innovative spaces makes the world change. He also discussed artificial intelligence, which is becoming more and more present in our lives, and why some see it as a threat and others as a revolution.
Parc Blau in the</br>MODEL. Barcelona Architecture Festival

Parc Blau in the
MODEL. Barcelona Architecture Festival

During the celebration of  MODEL. Festival de Arquitecturas de Barcelona, Eduardo Gutiérrez and Jordi Fernández (ON-A’s founders) talked at the “Tour with the Press” to explain the concept of the Parc Blau project which proposes to re-naturalize the port area of Barcelona and turn it into a large park that would connect the sea and the city.
ON-A. InnovatiON-Architecture

ON-A. InnovatiON-Architecture

InnovatiON-Architecture compiles ON-A’s work philosophy: a constant search for innovative ad hoc solutions for each project, using the most updated technologies and design research at the service of ideas, with criteria based on their professional career, but always going beyond the conventional. The book’s contents have been organized to illustrate the four conversations held between (...)


"BIOGRAFIES RELLEVANTS DELS NOSTRES ARQUITECTES" Book published by the publishing house “Testimonies for history” where “The reader will enjoy, be enriched, with these 35 biographies of architects, from the cradle to the skyscraper, or the single-family home, urbanism or interior design, and hundreds of concepts, more concepts than architects. Society has to get to know more closely the architects who leave history written in each work done on the ground they have urbanized “.